Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska


Books and Editorial Works


Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska "Logic - Language - Ontology\. Selected Works", Springer-Birkhäuser, Cham, Switzerland [URL], [DOI]


Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska, Alex Citkin (Eds.) "Dedcutive Systems in Traditional and Modern Logic", MDPI, Basel, Switzerland 2020 [URL], [DOI]


Special Issue: “Deductive systems” of Axioms (an Open Access Journal by MDPI), Guest Editor with Alex Citkin [WWW]


Angel Garido, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska (Eds.) "The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present", Springer-Birkhäuser Cham, Studies in Universal Logic Series, Switzerland, 2018, p.815, [DOI]


Special Issue: 'Lvov-Warsaw School' of Axioms, Guest Editor; with Angel Garrido, [Link].


Special issue of Journal of Logic, Language and Information “Logic and Linguistics”, vol. 23, 3 (2014), Springer, Guest editor; with Marcos Lopes, [DOI].


Theory of Language Syntax. Categorial Approach, Kluwer, Dordrecht 1991, pp. xxxiv + 252, (An extension of the book 1985), [Theme: II.1], [DOI].


Sets of Exercises to Computer Aided Teaching of Logic (Zbiór Zadań do Nauczania Logiki Wspomaganego Komputerowo), Teacher's Training College Press, Opole 1991, pp.150 (ed.,in Polish); with Z.Bonikowski, E.Bryniarski, M.Chuchro, L.Tendera, [Themes: III.3, IV.2].


Computer Aided Teaching of Logic (Nauczanie Logiki Wspomagane Komputerowo), Polish Foundation of Computer Education, Białystok 1990, pp.138 (in Polish); with E.Bryniarski, [Themes: III.3, IV.2].


Theory of Syntactically Categorial Languages (Teoria Języków Syntaktycznie Kategorialnych), PWN, Warsaw 1985, pp.154 (in Polish), [Theme: II.1].


Theory of Rejected Sentences (Theoria zdań odrzuconych), Studies of Theory of Rejected Sentences, Series B:Monographs, no.22, Teacher's Training College Press, Opole, pp.131 (in Polish), [Theme: I.3], [PDF].


 Published Papers


The Pioneering Proving Methods as Applied in the Warsaw School of Logic. Their Historical and Contemporary Significance. History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 45 (2024) Issue 2: Logic and Its History in the Lvov-Warsaw School, (eds. K. Świętorzecka, M. Łyczak), 124-141, DOI:[10.1080/01445340.2024.2316447]


The Warsaw School of Logic: Main Pillars, Ideas, Significance.Studia Humana, vol.13:1(2024), 17—27. DOI: [10.2478/sh-2024-0003]


Operator Counterparts of Types of Reasoning. Special Issue “ Rejection/Refutation in Logic” of Logica Universalis, (2023), 511–528, DOI:[ 10.1007/s11787-023-00339-7]


O klasyfikacji rozumowań i ich operatorowych odpowiednikach. On Classification of Reasoning and Corresponding Operators), Logika, informatyka, filozofia nauki. W darze Profesorowi Kazimierzowi Trzęsickiemu (eds. D. Surowik, R. Matuszewski, A. Malec), Wydawnictwo UwB, Białystok 2023, 247-267 (Polish version of 2023a).


Łukasiewicz’s Rejection Conception, its Application and Generalization. Przegląd Filozoficzny 2 (2023), (in print)


On Certain Values of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Logical Culture Towards Challenges of Contemporaneousness Filozofia Nauki, vol. 30(1) [117], pp. 53-66, DOI:[ 10.14394/filnau.2022.0005]


The Dual Ontological Nature of Language Signs and the Problem of Their Mutual Relations (Dwojaka natura ontologiczna znaków językowych i problem ich wzajemnych relacji), Ruch Filozoficzny, vol. 77, No 1 (2021),  7-24., DOI: 10.12775/RF.2021.001


Deductive Systems in Traditional and Modern Logics. Axioms 2020, 9(3)108 (with Alex Citkin), DOI:[ https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms9030108]


What is the Sense in Logic and Philosophy of Language.Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 49 (2) (2020), pp. 185-211, DOI: [DOI]


Logic and Ontology of Language, in: B. Skowron (ed.) Contemporary Polish Ontology, De Gruyter. Mouton, Berlin/Boston 2020, pp. 109-132. DOI: [https://10.1515/9783110669411-007]


J.M. Bocheński’s Understanding of the World and Logical-Algebraic Structures, in: Edukacja Filozoficzna 70, pp. 81-92. DOI: [10.14394/edufil.2020.0017]


Logic of Faith and Dead. The Idea and Outline of the Theoretical Conception. Philosophia Christiane 55(2019) 2, p. 125-149.


On Certain Axiomatizations of Arithmetic of Natural and Integer Numbers, Axioms 2019 (8)103, p.1-14, DOI: [https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1680/8/3/103]


Introduction. The School: Its Genesis, Development and Significance, in: The Lvov-Warsaw School, Past and Present, A.Garido, U. Wybraniec-Skardowska) (eds.) Springer-Birkhäuser Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3-14. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65430-0_1]


Rejection in Łukasiewicz's and Słupecki's Sense, in: The Lvov-Warsaw School, Past and Present, A.Garido, U. Wybraniec-Skardowska) (eds.) Springer-Birkhäuser Cham, Switzerland, pp. 575-597. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65430-0_40]


Categories of First-Order Quantifiers, in: The Lvov-Warsaw School, Past and Present, A.Garido, U. Wybraniec-Skardowska) (eds.) Springer-Birkhäuser Cham, Switzerland, pp. 763-777. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65430-0_54]


A Logical Conceptualization of Knowledge on the Notion of Language Communication, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (65),pp. 247-269. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1515/slgr-2017-0054]


Zdzisław Pawlak: Man, Creator and Innovator of Computer Sciences, in: L. Polkowski and al. (Eds.) Rough Sets, IJCRS 2017, Part I, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 10313, pp.1-10, Springer: Cham, Switzerland. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-60837-2_1]


Categories of first order quantifiers, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 22(3), 427-428. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1017/bsl.2016.22]


Logiczna koncepcja języka wobec założeń egzystencjalnych (Logical conception of language towards existential assumptions), in: Myśli o języku, nauce i wartościach (Thoughs on language, science and values), series two, To Professor Jacek J. Jadacki on his seventieth birthday. Semper, Warszawa 2016, 299-313.


Logic and Sense, Philosophy Study, September 2016, Vol. 6, No. 9, 554-568. Doi: 10.17265/2159 - 5313/ 2016.09.007.


Categorial compatibility of the 1st- order quantifiers, Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications (2016) 8, 134-140.


On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency, Axioms 2016, 5, Doi: 10.3390/axioms5020015.


Logical Squares for Classical Logic Sentences, Logica Universalis, June 2016, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 293–312, Doi:10.1007/s11787-016-0148-x.


Rejection in Traditional and Modern Logics, Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, June 11-15, 2015 Samos, Greece, pp. 59-62.


On language adequacy, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40(53), W. M. Hensel, R.Poczobut (Eds.) Cognitive Systems, 257-292, (English translation with complements of the paper 'O adekwatności językowej' (2010)),[PDF].


O życiu według logiki daru, trudu i wyzwań (Polish version of the article On Life According to the Logic of Gift, Toil and Challenges, 2012a) in A. Góralski (Ed.) Andrzej Grzegorczyk - Człowiek i dzieło, Bibloteka Dialogu, Warszawa: Universitas Rediviva, 37-53.


Special Issue Including Selected Papers from the “Logic and Linguistics” Workshop of the 4th World Congress on Universal Logic, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, vol. 23, 3 (2014), 249-252; with Marcos Lopes, [DOI].


Rough pragmatic description logic, in: A. Skowron, Z. Suraj (Eds.) Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems (To the Memory of Professor Zdzisław Pawlak), vol.2, Chapter 9, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 2012, 157-183; with Z.Bonikowski, E.Bryniarski, [Themes: III.2], [DOI].


24th European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information, (Janusz Czelakowski, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Jacek Waldmajer), Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19(4), pp. 519-522, DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1017/S1079898600010623].


On Life According to the Logic of Gift, Toil and Challenges, in: Trzęsicki K., Krajewski and Woleński J. (Eds.) Papers on Logic and Rationality, Series: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (Festschrift in Honour of Andrzej Grzegorczyk) 27 (40) 2012, Białystok 2012, 241-256, [PDF].


Znaki identyczności i ich korelaty (Signs of Identity and their Correlates), in: A. Wójtowicz, J. Golińska-Pilarek (Eds.) Identyczność znaku czy znak identyczności? (Identity of Sign or the Sign of Identity?), An anniversary book dedicated to Professor Mieczysław Omyła on the occasion of his 70th birthday , Published by Warsaw University Press, Warsaw 2012, 89-106.


On Pairs of Dual Consequence Operations, Logica Universalis (2011), Springer Vol 5, No 2, 177–203; with J. Waldmajer [Themes: I.2, I.3], [DOI].


Realistic Premises of Epistemic Argumentation for Dynamic Epistemic Logics, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 23(36) (2011), 173-187; with Z.Bonikowski, E.Bryniarski, J.Waldmajer [Themes: V.1], [PDF].


Logika polska (Polish Logic)), in: Encyklopedia Filozofii Polskiej (Ecyklopedia of Polish Philosophy), Thomas Aquinas International Society, Lublin 2011, 880-890; with M.Tkaczyk [Themes: IV.1].


Czy kłamstwo przeczy prawdzie? (Does the Lie Contradict the Truth?), in: K. Wieczorek, M. Wojewoda (eds.) Filozofia w służbie polityki (Philosophy in the Service of Politics), Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, Poznań 2011, 33-55 (this is the original version of the English version [ 2010b]); [Themes: II.3], URL: http://logika.uwb.edu.pl/studies/index.php?page=search&vol=33.


On Language Adequacy (O adekwatności językowej), in: J. Pelc (ed.) a special volume of Biblioteka Myśli Semiotycznej; Description and Truth (Deskrypcja i prawda), Polish Semiotic Association, Warszawa 2010, 275-306; [Theme: V.1].


Does the Lie Contradict the Truth?, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (2010), No 20(33), 127-153; [Themes: II.3], [PDF].


Three Principles of Compositionality, in: Zeglen U. (ed.), From Formal and Cognitive Aspects of Language to Knowledge, Series: Cognitive Science and Media in Education (2010), No 1, 28-65.


Certain Argument Principles in Political Discourse (Wyróżnione zasady argumentacyjne w dyskursie politycznym), in: Suchoń W. and Kowalski D. (eds.), Argumentation and Rational Belief Change (Argumentacja i racjonalna zmiana przekonań), Dialogikon (2010), Vol. 15, 19-34.


Logic of Belief and Action. The Idea and an Outline of Theoretical Conception (Logika wiary i czynu. Idea i zarys koncepcji teoretycznej), Theological-Historical Studies of Opole Silesia (2010), Vol 30, Faculty of Theology of Opole University, 81-125.


On Truth, Education and Logical Culture, Kultura i Edukacja (2009), No 5(74), 25-42, (The English version of the paper [2008e]), [Theme: IV.2], [PDF].


On Language Communication from a Logical Point of View, in: Tarasti E., Forsell P., Littlefield R. (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Communication: Understanding, Misunderstanding, Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIV, Helsinki 2009, 1923-1937; with J. Waldmajer [Themes: V.2].


POLISH LOGIC Some Lines from a Personal Perspective, Publications of Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam 2009, [Themes: IV.1], [PDF].


On Metaknowledge and Truth, in: Makinson D., J.Malinowski, H, Wansing (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy, Series: Trends in Logic, vol. 28, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2009, 319-343 [Themes: II.3, V.2], [DOI].


Vagueness and Roughness, in: Peters J.F., Skowron A. (eds.), Transactions on Rough Sets IX, Lectures Notes and Computer Science 5390, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2008, 1- 13; with Z. Bonikowski, [Theme: III.2], [DOI].


On Language Communication and Its Adequacy. A Formal-logical Approach, Publications of Poznań Banking School, Faculty in Chorzów, No 10, 181-200; with J. Waldmajer, [Theme: V.1].


Alfred Tarski - The Man Who Defined Truth, Scientific Works of Jan Długosz Academy in Częstochowa, Folozofia V, Wydawnictwo im. St. Podobińskiego, Częstochowa 2008, 67-7l, (The English version of the paper [2007a]), [Theme IV.1].


Introduction, in: W. Suchoń, I. Trzciniecka-Schneider, D. Kowalski (eds.) Pragmatics of Logical Anomalies (Pragmatyka anomalii logicznych), Dialogikon, vol.XI, Wyd. UJ, Kraków 2008, 7-11.


On Truth, Education and Logical Culture (O prawdzie, edukacji i kulturze logicznej), Kultura i Edukacja (2008), No 3(67), 7-24 [Theme: IV.2], [PDF].


Alfred Tarski - Człowiek, który zdefiniowal prawdę, Ruch Filozoficzny (2007), vol.LXIV, No 4, 587-600.


Rough Sets and Vague Sets, in: Kryszkiewicz M.J.F. Peters, H. Rybiński, A. Skowron (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference Rough Sets and Emerging Intelligent Systems Paradigms, RSEISP'07, Lectures Notes in Artificial Inteligence 4585, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 2007, 122-132; with Z. Bonikowski, [Themes: III.1, III.2, III.4].


Meaning and Interpretation, Studia Logica (2007), Springer, vol.85, no.1, 105-132, [Theme: II.3, V.1, V.2], [DOI].


Meaning and Interpretation, Studia Logica (2007), Springer, vol.85, no.2, 261-274, [Theme: II.3, V.1, V.2], [DOI].


There Levels of Knowledge, in: M. Bazz, N.Preining (eds.), Gödel Centenary 2006, Posters. Kurt Gödel Society, Collegium Logicum, Vol.IX, Wien 2006, 87-91, [Theme: V.1, V.2]


On the Formalization of Classical Categorial Grammar, in: J.J.Jadacki and J.Paśniczak (eds.), Lvov-Warsaw School: The New Generation, (Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of The Sciences and the Humanities, vol.89), Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2006, 269-287, [Theme: II.1].


On The Notion and Function of Rejected Propositions, in: M.Magdziak, J.Zygmunt (eds.), Logika 23, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, No 2754, 179-202, [Themes: I.3, I.2, IV.1], [PDF].


On Notions of Sense from Logical Perspective (O pojęciach sensu z perspektywy logiki, in: J.Kopania, H.Święczkowska, K.Trzęsicki (eds.), Ratione et Studio, University of Białystok, Białystok 2005, 155-190, (in Polish), [Themes: V.1, V.2].


What is Universal Logic? (Czym jest logika uniwersalna?), in: I.Trzcieniecka-Schneider, E.Żarnecka-Biały, Informacja-Perswazja-Logika, seria Dialogikon, vol.XIII, Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2005, 209-220, [Themes: IV.1, IV.2].


Foundations for the Formalization of Metamathematics and Axiomatizations of Consequence Theories, in: Z.Adamowicz and others(red.), Provinces of Logic Determined, Essays in the Memory of Alfred Tarski, Annales of Pure and Applied Logic, Elsevier Sciences, vol.127 (2004), Part IV, 234-266, (The English version of the paper [2003]), [Themes: I.2, I.3].


Axiomatizations of Consequence Theories and Deductive Systems (Aksjomatyzacje teoryj konsekwencji i systemów dedukcyjnych), in: J.J.Jadacki (ed.), Alfred Tarski. Dedukcja i Semantyka. (Déduction et Sémantique), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, Warszawa 2003, 37-60, [Themes: I.2, I.3].


Knowledge, Vagueness and Logic, Special issue of the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences (2001), vol.11, No.3, 719-737, [Themes: III.1, III.4].


On the Denotation of Quantifiers, in: M.Omyła (ed.), Idee Logiczne Romana Suszki (Logical Ideas of Roman Suszko), Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii UW, Warsaw 2001, 89-119, [Theme: II.3].


The Notion of Truth in Systems of Knowledge, in: H.Święczkowska (ed.), Series: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Białystok 1999, 33-58; with E.Bryniarski and A.K.Rogalski, [Theme: II.3], [Vol].


On Intellectual Communication from Two Positions: Psychological and Universal
(O komunikacji intelektualnej z dwoch pozycji: psychologicznej i uniwersalnej), in: S.Gajda (ed.), Scientific Discourse - Tradition and Change, University of Opole, Opole 1999, 41-55, (in Polish), [Theme: V.2].


On Universal Grammar and its Formalization, The Paideia Project On-Line: Proceedings of the Twentieth Word Congress of Philosophy: Paideia, August 1-6, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, Section: Logic and Philosophy of Logic, www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Logi/LogiWybr.htm, Boston 1999; with A.K.Rogalski, [Themes: II.1-II.3].


Logical and Philosophical Ideas in Certain Formal Approaches to Language, Synthese (1998), vol.116, No.2, 231-277, doi: 10.1023/A:1005098325137, Kluwer Academic Publishers, [Theme: II.1-II.3].


A Formal-logical Approach to the Problem of Imprecision, in: Emil Post and the Problem of Mechanical Provability. A Survey of Post's Contributions in the Centenary of His Birth, Series: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Białystok 1998, 101-124, [Themes: III.4, V.1, V.2], [Vol].


Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces, The Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (1998), vol.8, No 1-2, 9-26; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: III.2].


Extensions and Intensions in the Rough Set Theory, Journal of Information Sciences (1998), 107, 149-167; with Z.Bonikowski and E.Bryniarski (An extended version of the paper 1997b), [Theme: III.2], DOI: 10.1016/S0020-0255(97)10046-9.


On Universal Roots in Logic, in: A.A.Anderson (ed.), Dialogue and Universalism. Universal Dialogue. Selected Contributions to The Third World Congress of Universalism in Wellesley Massachusets, August 7-9, 1998; Part Two, vol.VIII, no.11-12, Warsaw 1998, 143-154; with A.K.Rogalski, [Theme: IV.2].


Generalized Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces, in: T.Y.Lin and N.Cercerone (eds.), Rough Sets and Data Mining, Part IV, Chapter 17, 339-354, Kluwer, Boston/London/Dordrecht 1997; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: III.2].


Extensions and Intensions in the Rough Set Theory, in: P.Wang (ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Information Sciences: JCIS'97, Research Triangle Park Raleigh, NC, March 1-5, 1997, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1997, vol.3: Rough Sets&Computer Science, 65-68; with Z.Bonikowski and E.Bryniarski, [Theme; III.2].


Logic in View of Imprecise Information, in: I.Rauch (ed.), Proceedings of Fifth Congress of International Association for Semiotic Studies, June 12-18, 1994, Berkeley, California: Semiotics Around the World Synthesis in Diversity,I, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1997, 817-819, [Themes: III.4, III.1].


Formal and Ontological Aspects of Names, Papers dedicated to Professor Tadeusz Kubiński, in: A.Wiśniewski and J.Zygmunt (eds.), Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis (1997), No 1890, Logika 17, 71-82; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: II.4].


On Conceptualization of Vague Knowledge, (O konceptualizacji wiedzy nieostrej), Filozofia Nauki (1996), Rok IV, Nr 3(15), 45-62, (in Polish), [Themes: V.1]. [PDF]


On A Generalization of Rough Sets, in: T.Y.Lin (ed.), CSC'95: 23rd Annual Computer Science Conference Workshop on Rough Sets and Database Mining, March 2, 1995, Nashville, Tennesse; San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1-7; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: III.2].


Generalized Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces, ICS Research Report, Warsaw University of Technology, 40/95, Warsaw 1995; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: III.2].


Calculus of Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces, ICS Research Report, Warsaw University of Technology, 63/95, Warsaw 1995; with E.Bryniarski, [Theme: III.2].


Status of Rough Information and the Problem of Vagueness (Status informacji przybliżonej i problem nieostrości), in: M.Omyła (ed.), Science and Language (Nauka i Język), Biblioteka Myśli Semiotycznej (ed.J.Pelc), Warsaw 1994, 409-443, (in Polish), [Theme: III.4, III.2, V.1, V.2].


A Logical Explication of the Concept of Incomplete and Uncertain Information, in: V.S.Alagar, S.Bergler and F.Q.Dang (eds.), Incompletness and Uncertainty in Information Systems, Proceedings of the Workshop on Incompleteness and Uncertainty in Information Systems, October 8-9, Montreal 1993, Springer-Verlag, London/Berlin, 180-188, [Theme: III.1, III.4, V.1].


Unit Operations, Papers dedicated to Professor Jerzy Słupecki, Publications of Opole Teacher's Training College, Mathematics Series (1992), vol.XXVII, 113-129, [Theme: I.2, I.3, III.2, IV.1].


An Application of Rough Sets Theory in the Control of Water Conditions on a Polder, in: R.Slowinski (ed.), Intelligent Decision Support, Handbook of Applications and Advances of the Rough Sets Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Theory and Decision Library Series, Dordrecht 1992, Ch.11, pp.153-164; with B.Stawski, A.Reinhard and T.Weber, [Theme: An Application of the Theory of Rough Sets].


On Empty Names and the Proper Names in the Light of Semiotics and Philosophy (O nazwach pustych i nazwach własnych w świetle semiotyki i filozofii), Ruch Filozoficzny (1991), Ossolineum,Polish Academy of Science, vol.XLVIII, No.2, pp.128-136, (in Polish); with M.Chuchro, [Theme: II.4].


On Two Approaches to the Formalization of the Theory of Labels (O dwóch podejściach do formalizacji teorii napisow), Publications of Opole Teacher's Training College, Mathematics Series (1990), vol. XXVII, 33-48, (in Polish with English summary), [Theme: II.2].


Semiotic-Philosophical Aspects of Proper Names (Semiotyczno-filozoficzne aspekty imion własnych), Proceedings of XXXV Conference on the History of Logic, November 15-17, Cracow 1989, 15-18, (in Polish); with M.Chuchro, [Theme: II.4].


On Generalization of Approximation Space, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science (1989), Mathematics, vol.37: 1-6, 51-62, [Theme: III.1, III.2].


On the Eliminatibily of Ideal Linguistics Entities, Studia Logica (1989), vol. XLVIII, No.4, 587-615, [Theme: II.1, II.2]. [WWW] [download]


A Computer Testing for Correctness of Reasoning in the Process of Education of the Teacher of Technology (Komputerowe testowanie poprawności wnioskowania w procesie kształcenia nauczyciela techniki), Proceedings of VII International Scientific Conference, Gluchołazy, p.II, 7-12, (in Polish with Russian summary); with E.Bryniarski, Z.Bonikowski, G.Kubica, [Themes: II.3].


Logical Foundation of Language Syntax Ontology (Logiczne podstawy ontologii składni języka), Studia Filozoficzne (1988), No.6-7(271-272), 263-284, (in Polish), [Theme: II.2].


Logic in the Teaching of the Teacher (Logika v obrazovanii uchiteya), Proceedings of International Scientific Conference (Thezisy Dokladov k Predstoyaschei Naucznoi Konferensii) Biełgorad, Ukraine 1998, 14-16, (in Russian), [Theme: IV.2].


On the Type-Token Relationships Bulletin of the Section of Logic of the Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (1986), vol.15, No.4, 164-171, [Theme: II.2], [PDF].


On the Axiomatic Systems of Syntactically Categorial Languages, Bulletin of the Section of Logic of the Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (1984), vol.13, No.4, 241-251, [Themes: II.1, II.2], [PDF].


On the Essence and Semantic Properties of Proper Names (O istocie i semantycznych wlasnościach imion własnych), Onomastica (1983), vol. XXVIII, Polish Academy of Science, 298-310, (in Polish), [Themes: II.4].


Jerzy Slupecki's Research on Aristotle's Syllogistic and its Resonance in Contemporary Logic (Badania Jerzego Słupeckiego nad sylogistyka Arystotelesa i ich rezonans we współczesnej logice), Publications of the Opole Engineering College, Special issue in honor of Jerzy Slupecki, Mathematics Series (1983), no.4, 35-61 , (in Polish with English summary), [Themes: Iv.1, I.2, I.3], [PDF].


The Theory of Label Tokens (Teoria napisow egzemplarzy), Publications of the Opole Engineering College, Special issue in honor of Jerzy Slupecki, Mathematics Series, (1983), no.4, 121-125, (an extension of the paper 1981a; in Polish with English summary), [Theme: II.3].


On the Theory of Label-Tokens, Bulletin of the Section of Logic of the Polish Academy of Science (1991), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, vol.10, no.1, 30-34, [PDF].


The Formalization of the Theory of Syntactically Categorial Languages (Formalizacja teorii języków syntaktycznie kategorialnych), Proceedings of XXVII Conference on the History of Logic, October 16-18, Cracow 1981, 22-26, (in Polish), [Themes: II.1, II.2].


On Ajdukiewicz's Logical Foundations of Teaching (O Ajdukiewiczowskich logicznych podstawach nauczania), Proceedings of XXVII Conference on the History of Logic, October 16-18, Cracow 1981, 27-29, (in Polish), [Themes: IV.1, IV.2].


Perfecting of Logical Efficiency in the Process of Raising the Qualifications of the Management Staff (Doskonalenie sprawności logicznych w procesie podnoszenia kwalifikacji kadr kierwniczych), Problems of Technical Progress (1980), no.11(87), 11-14 & 22, (in Polish), [Theme: IV.2].


On Wilkosz's Axiomatic of Arithmetic Natural Numbers (O aksjomatyce Wilkosza arytmetyki liczb naturalnych), in: E.Żarnecka-Bialy (ed.), Logic and its Teaching in History at the Jagiellonian University, Varia, vol.CLVII, Cracow 1980, 41-50, (in Polish), [Themes: I.1, IV.1].


The Regulation Force of Technical Progress (Moc regulacyjna postepu technicznego), Problems of Technical Progress (1977), no.6(72), 16-17, (in Polish); with K.Dworaczek, [Themes: IV.2 and other].


Vision, Realization and Consequences of Technical Progress, (Wizja, realizacja i następstwa postępu technicznego), Problems of Technical Progress (1977), no.4(70), 30-32, (in Polish); with K.Dworaczek, [Thems: IV.2 and other].


About Defining Through Abstraction, (O definiowaniu przez absrakcję), Publications of the Opole Teacher's Training College (1976), Mathematics Series, vol.XIX, 157-189, (in Polish with English summary); with Z.Dyrszlag, [Tchemes: IV.2 and other].


The Mutual Definability of the Concepts of Consequence and Contradiction (Wzajemna definiowalność pojęć wynikania i sprzeczności), Publications of the Opole Teacher's Training College (1974), Mathematics Series, vol.XV, 77-86, (in Polish with English summary), [Theme: I.2].


Theory of Rejected Propositions, Part 2, Studia Logica (1972), vol.30, 97-145; with J.Slupecki and G.Bryll, [Theme: I.3].


Theory of Rejected Propositions, Part 1, Studia Logica (1971), vol.29, 76-123; with J.Słupecki and G.Bryll, [Theme: I.3], DOI: 10.1007/BF02121863.


A Theory Equivalence of Tarski's Theory of Deductive Systems (Pewna teoria równoważna teorii systemów dedukcyjnych Tarskiego), Publications of the Opole Teacher's Training College (1970), Mathematics Series, 61-67, (in Polish with English summary); with J.Słupecki and G.Bryll, [Theme: I.2].


A System of Axioms of Integer Numbers (Pewien układ aksjomatów liczb całkowitych), Publications of the Opole Teacher's Training College (1965), Mathematics Series, vol.IV, 97-145, [Theme: I.1].


On the Role of Deduction in Empiric Sciences (O roli dedukcji w naukach empirycznych), Proceedings of the Wrocław Scientific Association, Wrocław 1965, 19-20, (in Polish), [Theme: I.3].

 Abstracts in Proceedings


Problem of Compatibility of the First-Order Quantifier, XXVI Conference “Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics”, Szklarska Poręba, May 8-12, 2023, Abstracts, p.31.


Types of Reasoning and Corresponding Derivability Operators, XII Zjazd Filozoficzny, 11-16 września 2023, [Abstract]


Operatory Counterparts of Reasonings, International conference “Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy” IV, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 21-23, 2022, Booklet, p. 49.


Operatory Counterparts of Reasonings, XXV Conference “Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics”, Wrocław, May 12-13, 2022, Abstracts, pp.18-19.


A Formal-logic Approach to the Ontology of Language, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 28, issue 2 ( June 2022), p. 316.


A Formal-logic Approach to the Ontology of Language, Logic Colloqium, Poznań, 19-24 July 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 106.


Koncepcje Tarskiego związane z formalizacją składni metalogiki, ich modyfikacje, współczesne ujęcia I rozwinięcia (Tarski's conceptions related to the formalization of syntax of metalogic, their modifications, contemporary approaches and developments), Księga streszczeń (eds. M.Lechniak et al.) XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, Lublin 9-14 wrzenia 2019, pp. 423-427.


Dwojaka natura ontologiczna znaków językowych i problem ich wzajemnych relacji (The dual ontological nature of language signs and the problem of their mutual relations), Księga streszczeń (eds. M. Lechniak et al.) XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, Lublin 9-14 wrzenia 2019, pp. 478-479.


On notions of sense in logic of language, Book of Abstracts (M.Hinton & W.Pskit (eds.) Six International Conference on Philosophical of Language and Linguistic, PhilLang 2019, Depart. of English and General Linguistic University of Łódź, Łódź, 10-12 May 2019, p. 84.


What is the Sense in Logic, Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy III, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 11-13, 2019.


The Lvov-Warsaw School: Past, Present and Future, in: J-Y. Beziau, A. Buchsmaum , Ch. Rey (eds.), Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Workshops with A. Garrido and G. Malinowski), June 16-26, 2018, Vichy, France, p. 270-271.


A Logical Conceptualization of Knowledge on the Notion of Lanfuage Communication, in: S. Kovac, K. Świętorzecka (Eds.) Abstracts,International Conferenceon Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy, p.14. Inter-University Centre: Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Logic of Belief and Action. The Idea and an Outline of the Theoretical Conception, in: the Book of Abstracts, 2nd World Congress on Logic ad Religion, p.109, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland.


On certain systems of arithmetic of natural numbers and integres (O pewnych systemach arytmetyki liczb naturalnych i całkowitych), LIII Krakowska Konferencja Logiki ”Historia i Perspektywy”, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 9-10 Nov. 2017, p. 22.


Odrzucanie w sensie Łukasiewicza i Słupeckiego(Rejection in Łukasiewicz’s and Słupecki’s sense)., The 65th Conference of History of Logic, Książka abstraktów, UJ, Cracow, October 24-26, 2016. p. 29.


Categories of first order quantifiers, Logic Colloquium 2015, Book of Abstracts, University of Helsinki, 674-675.


Logika i sens, 10 Zjazd Filozoficzny, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii UAM, Poznań 20, p. 637


Logical Squares for Classical Logic Sentences, in: Beziau J.Y., Gan-Krzywoszyńska K. (eds.), Handbook, World Congress on the Square of Opposition IV, May 5th – 9th May 2014, Vatican, Italy, 68-69.


Parts and Constituents of Language Expressions, XVIII Conference: Part-Whole Theory, Applications of Logic in Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poręba 7-11 May, 2012, 25-26, with J.Waldmajer


The Rational Postulates for Dynamic Epistemic Logics, XVI Konferencja Zastosowania Logiki w Filozofii i Podstawach Matematyki Szklarska Poręba, 9-13 maja 2011; with Z.Bonikowski, E.Bryniarski, J.Waldmajer.


Unit Operations (Operacje jednostkowe), XV Konferencja Zastosowania Logiki w Filozofii i Podstawach Matematyki Szklarska Poręba, 4-7 maja 2010; with Z.Bonikowski.


A Generalization of Certain Set-Theoretical Operations, UniLog 2010, Book of Abstracts, World Congress and School on Universal Logic (3rd edition), April 18-25, 2010, Monte Estoril, Portugal, Instituto Superior T´ecnico – Departamento de Matem´atica; with Z.Bonikowski.


The Rational Postulates for DEL in the Context of Real Administering of Knowledge, 22nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2010), August 9-20, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark; with Z.Bonikowski, E.Bryniarski, J.Waldmajer.


From Syntax to Bilevel Semantics of Language (Od składni do dwu-poziomowej semantyki języka), in: Księga streszczeń, Semper, VIII Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, 15-20 September 2008, Warszawa, 198-199.


On Vague Set and Vague Logic, in: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.14, No 1, 152-153.


On Language Communication from a Logical Point of View, in: Book of Abstracts, IASS-AIS 9th World Congres of Semiotics, Communication: understanding, misunderstanding, University of Helsinki Press, 11-17 June 2007, Helsinki/Imatra, Finland, 477-479; with J. Waldmajer.


On Vague Sets and Vague Logic, in: Book of Abstracts, Logic Colloquium, University of Wroclaw Press, 14-19 July 2007, Wroclaw, Poland; with Z. Bonikowski.


On Language Knowledge and Its Adequacy, in: Volume of Abstracts, 13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, August 9-15, 2007, Pekin (Beijing), Chiny, 175-176.


Vagueness, Vague Sets and Logic, in: Beziau J.Y., Costa-Leite A. (eds.), Handbook, 2nd World Congress and School on Universal Logic, UNILOG'07, 16th – 22nd August 2007, Xi’an, Chiny, 102-103; with Z.Bonikowski, [Themes: III.1, III.4].


On Vagueness and Vague Logic, Program i Streszczenia referatów, LIII Konferencja Historii Logiki, 23-24 października 2007, p.8, [Themes: III.1, III.4].


On Metaknowledge and Truth, The book of Abstracts, Trends in Logic IV, Towards Mathematical Philosophy, Toruń, September 1-4, 2006, 135-136, [Themes: II.3, V.2].


Language Communication and its Adequacy, Book of Abstracts, The 37th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, April 20-23, 2006, 87-88; with J.Waldmajer, [Themes: V.1, V.2].


Meaning and Interpretation, Handbook, The First World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Montreux, Switzerland, March 26th-April 3rd ,2005, p.104, [Themes: V.1,V.2].


Meaning and Interpretation(Znaczenie i Interpretacja), Abstrakty, The VII Polish Philosophical Convention, September 14-18, Szczecin 2004, University Szczecin,p.251(in Polish), [Themes: V.1,V.2].


What is Universal Logic?(Czym jest logika uniwersalna?), Summary, The 50th Conference of History of Logic, October 26-27,Cracow 2004, p.13, (in Polish), [Themes: IV.1, IV.2].


On the the Notion of Rejection, its Application and Generalization (O pojęciu odrzucania, jego zastosowaniu i uogólnieniu), Summaries of Papers, Konferencja: Zastosowania Logiki w Filozofii i Podstawach Matematyki,April 26-30, Karpacz 2004,p.12,(in Polish), [Themes:I.2, I.3].


Syntactic and Semantic Notions of Sense, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 50 years of STUDIA LOGICA, Conference I, Warsaw (Mądralin), www.ifispan.waw.pl/Studia Logica/abstracts.html, October 4-6, Mądralin 2003.


On Logical Explication of Syntactic and Semantic Sense, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.9, Number 1, March 2003, p. 118, [Themes: II.2, V.2].


On Logical Explication of Syntactic and Semantic Sense, Logic Colloquium 2002/Colloquium Logicum 2002, Münster (Germany), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster 2002.


Three Principles of Compositionality, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.7, Number 1, March 2001, 112, [Themes: II.1-3, V.2].


On Truth and Denotation The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.6, No 1, March 2000, 123-124; with A.K.Rogalski, [Themes: II.3, II.2].


Three Principles of Compositionality, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Logic Colloquium 2000 and ELSS 2000, Paris , La Sorbonne, 23-31 Juillet 2000, 228-229, [Theme: II.1-3, V.2].


On Truth and Denotation, Abstracts of Invited and Contributed Talks, Logic Colloquium, August 1-6, Utrecht 1999, p.50; with A.K.Rogalski, [Themes: II.3, II.2].


The Notion of Truth in Systems of Knowledge, Volume of Abstracts,11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, August 20-26, Cracow 1999, p.382; with E.Bryniarski and A.K.Rogalski, [Theme: II.3].


On Denotations of Quantifiers and Quantyfier Words (O denotacjach kwantyfikatorów i słów kwantyfikujących), The 45th Conference of History of Logic, October 26-27, Cracow 1999, (in Polish), [Theme: II.3].


On Universal Roots in Logic , Abstracts. Third Word Congress of Universalism, August 7-9, Wellesley, Massachusetts 1998, Babson College, p.16; with A.K.Rogalski, [Theme: IV.2].


On the Notion and Function of Rejected Propositions, Abstracts of an International Conference on The Work of Jan Łukasiewicz, July 7-10, Dublin 1996, University College Dublin, 14-15, [Themes: I.3, IV.1].


On Conceptualization of Vague Knowledge (O konceptualizacji wiedzy nieostrej), in:L.Witkowski (ed.) Absrtakty, Filozofia, The VI Polish Philosophical Convention, August 5-9, Toruń 1995, Nicolas Copernicus University, 283-284 (in Polish), [Themes: II.4, V.1].


O nazwach pustych i nazwach własnych w świetle logiki (On Empty names and Proper Names in the Light of Semiotics and Philosophy), Ruch Filozoficzny, XLIII, 2, 1991, pp. 128-136.


Semiotyczno-filozoficzne aspekty imion własnych, (Semiotical and Philosophical Aspects of Proper Names), The 35th Conference of History of Logic, November, Cracow 1989, pp.13-15.

 Other publications


Grzegorz Bryll – personal memory (Grzegorz Bryll- wspomnienie osobiste), Web. PTL&FN. [PDF]


Thesis in online discussion: About Certain Attempt to Apply Formal Logic Apparatus to precision Ajdukiewicz’s Theory of Meaning (O pewnej próbie zastosowania aparatu formalno-logicznego do sprecyzowania Ajdukiewiczowskiej teorii znaczenia), Studia Philosophica Forum 1, Filozoficzne Podstawy Nauki – Naukowe Podstawy Filozofii, 25-27 Oct. 2008, Guzianka k/Rucianego-Nidy (www.StudiaPhilosophicalForum.org) [online]


Essey: Polish Rhythms and Hot Hearts (esej: Polskie rytmy i gorące serca, in: Polonia w San Diego, no.6, San Diego, CA, USA, no. 6, 10-11.

13 Reviews on logic, the foundations of mathematics and universal algebra for Mathematical Reviews, Providence, Rhode Island, USA:


MR 80a # 03084, MR 82k # 68046.


MR 57 # 205, MR 57 # 5675, MR 58 # 5166, MR 57 # 5675, MR 57 # 182, MR # 15941, MR 58 # 4997, MR 58 # 21439, MR 58 # 21391.


MR 56 # 10179, MR 56 # 2781.


3 Methodical instructions for teaching logic, Publisher WSP, Opole.

 Some Documentary Publications

Book 1991 and papers 1989c, 1988a

in: J.J.Jadacki, E.Olender Dmoch (eds.) Semiotic Signals (Sygnały semiotyczne), , Biblioteka Informacji i Dokumentacji Semiotycznej (ed. J.Pelc), Warsaw no.1/1992 i no.2/1993.

papers: 1986, 1981a

in: Philosopher's Index,Ohio, U.S.A.

papers: 1989c, 1972, 1971

in: Zentralblat für Mathematik, Berlin.